Mad, Bad, Sad, Glad, Fear? How are you under the mask?

Posted on April 29th, 2020

For many men the easiest emotion to feel is anger.

It can make us feel powerful.

Usually there are hurt feelings and sometimes deep childhood wounds underneath.

Often men are not taught or not encouraged to gain fluency in the language of emotion. Which can damage our relationships, including with ourselves.

Men might drink, compulsively use porn, take drugs or be workaholics in order not to feel uncomfortable feelings - or to feel control by keeping moving.

But this can make us feel alone and under-nourished.

In our groups we use the Five Primary Emotions:

Mad (angry) - "I didn't get what I wanted"

Sad "I lost something I wanted"

Glad "I got something I wanted"

Bad - guilt "I did something wrong" or

Bad - shame "I am something wrong" and

Fear - "I am afraid I'll lose something I want"

It's a great tool to reflect on what's going on within. What's important to us in our lives right now.

Sometimes many feelings can be present at once

One of the great things about men's circles is realizing how much we have in common. We're all unique but share so much experience. I've never been in a circle where a man expressed something other men could not relate to.

There are a couple of spots left in a new online group - Euro/Asia timezones though more being seeded. Pm or comment if interested. Questions welcome. You can also join here

Be well, be whole, celebrate all of who you are.

All is welcome in circle 🙏💓

Keep in Touch

"When People Go Within and Connect With Themselves, They Realize They Are Connected to the Universe and They Are Connected to All Living Things." ~ Armand Dimele

Do you want to connect with yourself and clarify your life and goals?

Send a message and let me help on your journey. 
